How to add a blank row after each existing row?



I have a set of data (200 rows /8 columns). I need to insert a blank row
after each row of data...

Jim Cone

You can do that by sorting a helper column.
In a adjoining blank column, auto fill it with numbers from 1 to 200.
Directly below the new data, autofill another 200 rows with numbers from
1.1 to 200.1. (just enter 1.1 in the first cell and 2.1 in the next cell and fill down)
Sort by the new column, clear the new column.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Stephanie" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
I have a set of data (200 rows /8 columns). I need to insert a blank row
after each row of data...

Jim May

Here's a VBA solution (Quicky)..
Presently assumes Your data (rows) are among others also in Column A
Paste this in a Standard module and run it
Back up your data before doing so to prevent Unforeseen "PROBLEMS"!!

Sub InsertBlkRows()
Dim lr As Long
Dim fr As Long
Dim i As Integer
fr = InputBox("My First Row is Excel Numbered Row - What?")
lr = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For i = lr To (fr + 1) Step -1
Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Insert
Next i
End Sub

Jim May

Gord Dibben

Do you need a blank row?

This can cause problems later when filtering or sorting or autofilling formulas.

Maybe just double the row heights if for viewing appearance only.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Jim May


Even though I provided a solution
Gord is providing some good advise;


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