How the hell do I delete an entire event?


Cynthia Flowers

I work for a small theatre in Los Angeles and we use an
access program to make our reservations, etc. But
sometimes we make errors in the event info and I cannot
find a way to delete an entire event. Thus, I wind up
with 4 events called "Music Series" and so on. How do I
get rid of them.

Albert D. Kallal

Opps, bumped the send key....

It would be impossible for anyone here to know the answer to your question.

You would have to talk to the developer of that system.

I mean, how do you delete extra accounts receivable customers in a
accounting system written in ms-access?. It is simply not possible for
read you mind, or have any knowledge of your system.

However, I would think that you delete a event by deleting the appropriate
record in the events table. I would also think that the developers provided
nice screen for form so that you can perform this operation.

I am not 100% sure what you question is, but if the developers correctly
designed that system, then you should be able to delete extra events etc.

Larry Daugherty

You haven't told us how the Access program is designed and the nature of
your question causes me to believe that you aren't the person who designed
it. We can make guesses but can't know what's up.

Here's a shot in the dark. If we're lucky it will work ... :

First of all, make a copy of your Access Database and try things on the
copy before altering the "Real" database.

In the copy, open the form you use to enter events. If we're lucky
there will be a selector bar at the far left of your form. If there is,
click it. It will light up indicating that it's selected. Press the Delete
key on the keyboard. It may give you a warning to the effect that records
in other tables will be deleted. OK. Do that for each of the event entries
you don't want.

If it didn't work out, post back. Tell us more about your application and
your version of Access. Is yours a not-for-profit organization?


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