How store sqlDataSource SELECT results in dataset?


VB Programmer 2.0...

I have an SqlDataSource on my aspx form. It's defined as...

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsCoupons" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$
ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT ShoppingCoupons.*, CouponCode AS Expr1 FROM
ShoppingCoupons WHERE (CouponCode = @CouponCode)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtCouponCode" DefaultValue="000"
PropertyName="Text" />

The SELECT statement get's it's value from a textbox field that the customer
fills in as you can see.

I want to "run" the SELECT statement and process the data returned by it. I
thought the easiest way would be to store the results of the SELECT into a
dataset and run thru it. Any ideas on how I can do it? Or, perhaps you
have a better way to do this...



Take a look at the DataAdapater class.. that will help you store results in
a DataSet..


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