How should I solve this?



Hey 2.0

I'm developing a webportal. Some info within the portal is available for
anonymous users, but most info is available to logged in members...

So I uses LoginView to show different info to users that are anonymous or
logged in...

BUT now I'm facing another problem:
I want to restrict some of the info that can be accessed by members also...
I had a very quick look at role management in 2.0 and I don't think
I can use it. Lets say I'm developing a webshop and I want to restrict some
info about the products to the loggedin members - not all the logged in
members have access to all the info. Some members (logged in members) have
access to all the info about one product, and some (logged in members) have
restricted access to the info... I cannot AFAIK put all these members with
restricted acccess to info in a separate user group, because maybe one day
later some of them should have access to all the info.. And a member might
have restricted access to info about one product, BUT at the same time have
full access to info about other products....

Any ideas how to solve this?

Should I just do a test when the webpage opens and programmatically
hide/show controls (labels/textboxes showing product info) or are there a
much better way of solving this problem???... (I admit I'm still a newbie)


Kevin Spencer

Take a look at how Windows manages this sort of thing. You have users and
groups. Permissions can be assigned on a user-by-user basis, or on a group
basis. You can assign permissions to a user individually, or by giving that
user membership in one or more groups.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Professional Chicken Salad Alchemist

Big thicks are made up of lots of little thins.

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