How Often Win2K Server Needs a Reboot



How often Windows 2000 Server needs a reboot may be once a
week or once a month, can some body tell me why ?

Chris Knapp

Depends. My SQL box needs to be rebooted once a month. My test server would
have reached 1 year if I wasn't forced to move my data center. (Sure it was
a SP or two behind. . . ;-)


In theory, never. In the real world, it depends on the applications running on the system. Poorly written applications that result in memory fragmentation and locking memory segments from being recovered for use of the memory pool can cause the system to become sluggush or stop responding completely. A highly framented hard drive can cause a fragmented page file with similar results. I have found that at the minimum, a once a month reboot is desireable. In the case of some applications, every week or every other week may be advisable.

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