How many people used webparts but not anymore?



I am trying to get a sense of what has been the webparts adoption. And
maybe my question may not be the best indicator of this.

In anycase, we at our company have an application that relies on
webparts and we are happy enought to stay with them. The biggest pain
has been the lack of developer support for it. On any other software
issue we can easily search the internet to find somebody that had a
similar problem. But with webparts we find ourselves emailing
microsoft more often.

I would love to hear comments on the issue, I would feel much better
to know that there is a group of people using web parts that want to
keep using them.

Arturo Hernandez

Mike Placentra II

I've only used Web Parts for one project. It was a pain because I had
to create my own PersonalizationProvider (or some class like that) in
order to be able to specify what page it should be doing its thing for
instead of always the current file. In my situation, I had "imaginary"
pages. I've been calling them that; they are just *.aspx redirected
from some directory and all of their data comes from a database.

I didn't like going through the trouble, but at least it was possible.
It would have been nice if there were some property to change the
working page of the WebPartManager.

-Michael Placentra II

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