How long will LOTUS 123 be supported by windows?



We are converting many old LOTUS files to EXCEL. There is no rush, but I have to establish a timeline
What is the chance that LOTUS 123 Millenium Edition won't work* in the next year? 5 years? 10 years

* Won't work = can't launch the application in Windows or will conflict with EXCEL running at the same time?

Frank Kabel

Laurie said:
We are converting many old LOTUS files to EXCEL. There is no rush,
but I have to establish a timeline. What is the chance that LOTUS 123
Millenium Edition won't work* in the next year? 5 years? 10 years?

* Won't work = can't launch the application in Windows or will
conflict with EXCEL running at the same time?

Hi Laurie
Only IBM/Lotus + Microsoft can answer this. Though IMHO Microsoft
Windows will be backward compatible for this kind of application (e.g.
Excel 95 still works for Windows XP). In addition IBM/Lotus will
maintain this application probably for some time. So you may contact
IBM's customer support for a more legal binding answer :)


Jim Rech

What is the chance that LOTUS 123 Millenium Edition won't work* in the
next year? 5 years? 10 years?


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