how i turn on presentation mode?



when i try to set up a connection between my laptop and a lcd display the
following message appear "presentation mode off"" how i turn presentation
mode on!! please help me i need to make a presentation and doesnt recognize
the lcd! please i need help!

Glen Millar


First of all I would have a look at this link.

A Multiple Monitor Tutorial by PowerPoint MVP Chirag Dalal

How to do this within PowerPoint itself, depends on your version. For
PowerPoint 2003, go to Slideshow, setup show, multiple monitors section and
tick the box that says show presenter view.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at
the original
glen at pptworkbench dot com
Please tell us your:
PowerPoint version
Windows version
Are you using VBA?
Anything else relevant?

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