How I fixed my right-click problem in SP2



After 5 attempts I've finally managed to resolve my right
click problem in SP2. I did it by looking at all the
software that added items to the context menu (i.e. the
menu you get when you right click on an icon) and
uninstalled them before installing SP2. I'd already done
all the other stuff without success (defrag, deep virus
scans, updating drivers Dr DIVX wasn't on my system, etc)
The software I uninstalled was
Stuffit and
AntiY Ghostbusters.
Hope this approach helps some other people too.
Maybe we need an updated list of software that will cause
this particular problem, because once you know about it,
it's quite easy to fix.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Thanks for the input Andy. Removing garbage has become a necessity

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Is it also a necessity to install garbage in the first place? If you install
all kinds of badly programmed programmes, no wonder you get problems
afterwards. I haven't had any such problems after installing SP2. That's
because if a programme adds itself to the rightclick menu, I disable it
rightaway or often even uninstall the entire programme. Most developers are
incredibly arrogant. Adding their creations to the rightlick menu, the tray
and the desktop, but when you start searching for an uninstall link - nada


How is the average computer user supposed to know which
software is garbage? All the packages I uninstalled are
commercial products...
Winzip is a commonly used program, is it garbage?
Stuffit was used because some people can't accept Zip
files by e-mail, is that garbage?
The ghostbuster program was used to find spyware etc.
that wasn't addressed in XP sp1a and I installed that
because I WAS having security problems with the windows
Surely the fault is with windows XP not flagging up when
a program is adding itself to the context menu. After all
who wrote the routine to allow external programs to slot
into the context menu? Microsoft!

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