How i can let detect my video card?



How i can let detect my video card?I exoplain bettar.I
install Windows xp and is ok 100%,i install olso addons ad
is ok but...wen i try to run some games or programms i
cand setup them because it tell me that i use a to low
videocard 16 mb but on my host i have a 128mb!Is a way and
how to share my host video card?


-----Original Message-----
Go to your VDO card manufacturer web site and download the correct driver.

I have last drivers on my host computer and is 100% !!!!I
olso tryied to install drivers on the windows xp that i
loaded on vpc 2004 and i get error because it tell me that
it cant finde the video card installed!So i supose that or
there is an option somewere in vp2004 were i must tell to
vpc to share the host video card or there is nothing to
do.You unswer was realy funny!!!!

Dave E

What video card are you using? Is it an onboard one or a seperate AGP/PCI



Helen said:
How i can let detect my video card?I exoplain bettar.I
install Windows xp and is ok 100%,i install olso addons ad
is ok but...wen i try to run some games or programms i
cand setup them because it tell me that i use a to low
videocard 16 mb but on my host i have a 128mb!Is a way and
how to share my host video card?

Chances are you have an onboard video card. Go into the bios and it
"should" let you allocate more of your onboard ram to it.


My host video card is a Asusu 9200 SE 128 mb but when i
installa xp on vp2004 and after installing addong the xp
on vp will set as video card s3,i triyed to install ati
drivers but it tell me that it cand finde a hardware
component (i think that is my video card).

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