How I can combine cells of different pages?



I mean how can I add, divide, mutliply, and so on figures of different cells
for example, add a figure of the cell f4 of the page 1 with the cell g5 of
the page 2.


When you say page 1 & page 2 I assume you mean sheet 1 & sheet 2. You can
apply mathematic functions for a cell using different sheets but you have to
name the source i.e. =A1+Sheet2!A1. An easy way to do this is begin your
formula on sheet 1 = A1+ and then go to the cell in the sheet where it
resides, click on the cell and click on your active sheet. Excel will
automatically place the name reference of the cell and the sheet in using the
correct syntax.


highlight the cell where you want your answer to be

click on the = sign on the formula bar at the top of the sheet

click on the first cell (F4 on page 1)

type in "+"

click on the second sheet and cell G5,

you should now have in the formula bar


press enter.


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