how I can Check the color of font in excel cell ?



Can I set a cell to equal 1 for a font colored "RED" in another cell , such as:
if cell B1 is "RED" font colored i need cell C1 to be =1


As far as I know, you cannot test font color with a worksheet function. You
can do so in VBA code like
If Range("B1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then
Range("C1") = 1
End If

If the font color in B1 is controlled by conditional formatting, you could
set up a similar test for value in C1.

Lets say you used Conditional Formatting in B1 to set font color to red when
its value is greater than 100, then in C1 you could use similar logic with an
IF function:

Gord Dibben

If you add this Chip Pearson UDF to amodule in your workbook you can construct a

Function CellColorIndex(inRange As Range, Optional _
OfText As Boolean = False) As Integer
' This function returns the ColorIndex value of a the Interior
' (background) of a cell, or, if OfText is true, of the Font in the cell.
Application.Volatile True
If OfText = True Then
CellColorIndex = inRange.Font.ColorIndex
CellColorIndex = inRange.Interior.ColorIndex
End If
End Function

In C1 enter =IF(cellcolorindex(B1,TRUE)=3,1,"")

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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