How have 'worksheet tabs' using Word?



I have a load of data that needs to be compiled in a neat fashion. I need
bullet points for listing the data, along with check boxes for completion of
tasks. I cannot figure out which MS Office product I should use.

I want to use a word processing program, I think, as this data will
eventually be my Business Plan for an invention. But, there are so many
'areas' of this data and so I think I should use Excel since it has worksheet
tabs to rename (i.e. marketing, manufacturing, contacts, etc).

What program is the best to use? If it is Word, how do I 'name' different
sections (i.e. the worksheet tabs) of the data and be able to jump to them

I'm not real familiar with OneNote and all the subpages, etc. Maybe that
should be the choice?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi tj
I have a load of data that needs to be compiled in a neat fashion. I need
bullet points for listing the data, along with check boxes for completion of
tasks. I cannot figure out which MS Office product I should use.

I find myself often with this choice, and -- believe it or not --, when
in doubt, I frequently choose Excel. I'd rather fight with a simple
layout in Excel than try to calculate in Word ... :)

Bullets can be simulated in Excel easily: one column for the bullet
symbol, the next for the text (with wrapping text set, and make sure
both cells align on top).

Of course, you can have both: do your work in Word, and insert data
tables and, more sensibly, chart objects from Excel into it.

I want to use a word processing program, I think, as this data will
eventually be my Business Plan for an invention. But, there are so many
'areas' of this data and so I think I should use Excel since it has worksheet
tabs to rename (i.e. marketing, manufacturing, contacts, etc).

OK, a business plan usually needs more text-related material (TOC alone
is enough that I'd use Word) than I'd be willing to simulate in Excel.
The printed business plan I'd do in Word.

What program is the best to use? If it is Word, how do I 'name' different
sections (i.e. the worksheet tabs) of the data and be able to jump to them

Depends on the circumstances. To present the business plan, I'd use
neither Word nor Excel, but -- PowerPoint. There are even BP templates
out there (from banks etc.), so you can look into these and see what you
want to use.

I'm not real familiar with OneNote and all the subpages, etc. Maybe that
should be the choice?

I'm not really a ON user (yet), but I doubt it's meant to be for such a
task. It's fine to compile notes etc. (not only but esp. in conjunction
with a TabletPC), but not to present, I'd wager.


Daiya Mitchell

I don't know what program you should use, but Word would not be my
"manage lots of data" choice. You'll need to put time into writing a
business plan anyhow--getting the data into Word is unlikely to be the
most tedious part of that.

Word does have built-in options to jump around a long document,
however: Edit | Go To, Outline View, Document Map, and Browse Object.

More info on some of those here:

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