how does one use the NETWORKDAYS function in a excel VB macro?



I am writing a macro and need to calculate the workdays between 2 columns
that have dates. I see that in Excel there is a function called NETWORKDAYS
but when I use this in the macro it tells me that this is not defined. Help
- is there some addin that I need to add to my microsoft Visual basic macro
feature to use this function?

Norman Jones

Hi AC,

In the VBE, add a reference to the analysis toolpak VBA:

Tools | check 'APTVBAEN.XLS'

Jim May

I just went to my VBE Tools REferences to see if I had this loaded, and I
didn't see it.
I went to reg Excel and did Tools, Add-Ins
Saw "Analysis-Tool-Pak-VBA << Unchecked
so I checked it and OK'd out.
I closed Excel totally, and reloaded.

Then I went back to VBE - Tools References, and there
saw atpvbaen.xls listed, but unchecked.. so I checked it.
and Ok'd out.
So the file name is:


Last thing (with question) - Now even though the ToolsPak-VBA box is checked
AND VBE-Tools REf, when I highlight it (in either window) and click on the
browse button I'm taken to a Folder without the atpvbaen appearing

Independently, in Explorer I can find the atpvbaen.xla file in:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Library\Analysis

I must guess that mysteriously I'm "hooked-Up" somehow////???

Jim May

Also now when I close and re-enter my VBE environmnet my immediate window

[auto_open] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] >
[PickPlatform] <
[PickPlatform] >
[VerifyOpen] <
[VerifyOpen] > 1
[RegisterFunctionIDs] <
[RegisterFunctionIDs] >
[auto_open] >

How can I Clean-this-up, where it
no longer appears?

Norman Jones

Hi Jim,

Indeed: A(nalysis) T(ool) P(ak) VBA EN(glish)

A touch of momentary dyslexia on my part!

As to the immediate window entries, those would appear to be benign and the
result of a setup report which MS have failed tp expunge in your version - I
may be mistaken, but did you not recentlty install xl2003?

I do not use xl2003, at least not here, and I have not had your experience.
Others will, therefore, be better able to comment.


Jim May said:
Also now when I close and re-enter my VBE environmnet my immediate window

[auto_open] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] >
[PickPlatform] <
[PickPlatform] >
[VerifyOpen] <
[VerifyOpen] > 1
[RegisterFunctionIDs] <
[RegisterFunctionIDs] >
[auto_open] >

How can I Clean-this-up, where it
no longer appears?

Jim May said:
I just went to my VBE Tools REferences to see if I had this loaded, and I
didn't see it.
I went to reg Excel and did Tools, Add-Ins
Saw "Analysis-Tool-Pak-VBA << Unchecked
so I checked it and OK'd out.
I closed Excel totally, and reloaded.

Then I went back to VBE - Tools References, and there
saw atpvbaen.xls listed, but unchecked.. so I checked it.
and Ok'd out.
So the file name is:


Last thing (with question) - Now even though the ToolsPak-VBA box is
AND VBE-Tools REf, when I highlight it (in either window) and click on
the browse button I'm taken to a Folder without the atpvbaen appearing

Independently, in Explorer I can find the atpvbaen.xla file in:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Library\Analysis

I must guess that mysteriously I'm "hooked-Up" somehow////???

Jim May

Yes, I did recently install 2003;
What about the fact (earlier q) that in the case of my two dialog boxes
Excel reg, and VBE -- when I select the files and click on Browse - I'm not
immediately "attached" to the file in my folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Library\Analysis
where it resides?
Appreciate your assistance,

Norman Jones said:
Hi Jim,

Indeed: A(nalysis) T(ool) P(ak) VBA EN(glish)

A touch of momentary dyslexia on my part!

As to the immediate window entries, those would appear to be benign and
the result of a setup report which MS have failed tp expunge in your
version - I may be mistaken, but did you not recentlty install xl2003?

I do not use xl2003, at least not here, and I have not had your
experience. Others will, therefore, be better able to comment.


Jim May said:
Also now when I close and re-enter my VBE environmnet my immediate window

[auto_open] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] <
[SetupFunctionIDs] >
[PickPlatform] <
[PickPlatform] >
[VerifyOpen] <
[VerifyOpen] > 1
[RegisterFunctionIDs] <
[RegisterFunctionIDs] >
[auto_open] >

How can I Clean-this-up, where it
no longer appears?

Jim May said:
I just went to my VBE Tools REferences to see if I had this loaded, and I
didn't see it.
I went to reg Excel and did Tools, Add-Ins
Saw "Analysis-Tool-Pak-VBA << Unchecked
so I checked it and OK'd out.
I closed Excel totally, and reloaded.

Then I went back to VBE - Tools References, and there
saw atpvbaen.xls listed, but unchecked.. so I checked it.
and Ok'd out.
So the file name is:


Last thing (with question) - Now even though the ToolsPak-VBA box is
AND VBE-Tools REf, when I highlight it (in either window) and click on
the browse button I'm taken to a Folder without the atpvbaen appearing

Independently, in Explorer I can find the atpvbaen.xla file in:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Library\Analysis

I must guess that mysteriously I'm "hooked-Up" somehow////???

Hi AC,

Tools | check 'APTVBAEN.XLS'

Should read:

Tools References | Check 'APTBAEN.XLS'


Hi AC,

In the VBE, add a reference to the analysis toolpak VBA:

Tools | check 'APTVBAEN.XLS'

Norman Jones

Hi Jim,

There is an ATP addin for Excel and another addin (ATPVBAEN) for VBA.

If you look at the addin list in Excel, you should see both.

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