How do you use advanced grammer, spellcheck, and APA features?



I have microsoft student and home and need to use advanced grammer,
spellcheck, and APA features. The instructer insists that it is available but
I can't find it. I only have minor markups on my papers but they should be
caught by this feature. Thanks for your assistance to this matter.


I have microsoft student and home and need to use advanced grammer,
spellcheck, and APA features. The instructer insists that it is available but
I can't find it. I only have minor markups on my papers but they should be
caught by this feature. Thanks for your assistance to this matter.

Without more details, I'm assuming you are talking Word 2007.

The spelling and grammar options can be found under Office button ->
Word Options -> Proofing.

Word does not provide a template for the APA style. It does provide a
bibliography formatting option for APA (References tab -> Citations &
Bibliography group). Maybe that was what your instructor was talking
about. Note that the first time you generate the bibliography in APA,
you still have to set the indentation of the bibliography correctly by
hand. This can be done by adjusting the 'Bibliography' style (ALT+CTRL


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