How do you split a string in JavaScript


Craig G

i have the little jscript which i use for returning a value from a
popupModal. but i want to extend this so that i cant split the string into
different values

in future the string will return a concatenated value, eg BT56FD%ClaraPark,
with % being the dividing marker. but not being compentent in jscript i am
unable to split the returned value

at the mo i have this:-
if (strReturn != null)

but i want this:-
if (strReturn != null)
document.getElementById('txtPostcode').value=<all data upto % marker>
document.getElementById('txtAddress').value=<all data after % marker>;


how do i go about this?

Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN

Surely, It is possible just use split method...
var strArray= sampleStr.split("%") // This function returns an array of
It is up to you to traverse this array with a loop
for(var i=0; i>strArray.length;i++)
otherwise just use strArray[0], strArray[1] to access it..

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