HOW do you show the full document path in the title bar?


peter grimm

HOW do you show the full UNC document path in the title
bar? I have looked everywhere, and can't seem to find the
application setting. This HAS to be possible- it's so
basic. Can anyone help me and my 19 other worker bees out?

Peter Grimm
Scott Edwards Architecture

Gareth Roberts

Hi Peter,

Hah! I see where you're coming from - it would be GREAT if you could just
check a box and Word displays the UNC path up there.

My experience of MS Office is (a) you cannot get it to display the path (it
would be nice to be contradicted) and (b) it never uses UNC paths unless
forced. By this I mean, if you open a file and ask Word to display the full
path of the activedocument (i.e. goto into VB Editor (press ALT F11) and
then in the Immediate window (press CTRL G to display it) and ask Word to
display the full path (type in - omit quotes - "?activedocument.fullpath"
and press return) it will always show you the drive letter path e.g.
H:\mydoc.doc unless you opened it up by going into My Network Places in
which case you would get \\server\mydrive\mydoc.doc

Why am I responding? Well, I wonder why you need to know the UNC path at
all. If it's just useful for your staff and (as I suspect) you want it so
you can cut down on email bandwidth and share (large) documents by simply
inserting shortcuts into emails such as <\\server\mydrive\mydoc.doc> - as I
do at work - then there's easier solutions. It would be *very* easy to
create a template/addin that you would install on people's pc's with a
button that, when clicked, would display the snc path in a message box. If
you click No - it would disappear - if you click YES - it would insert the
path into your copy/paste buffer so you can just paste it straight into an

If that's what you're after then I can write it (and use it myself) and send
it to you.

See ya,

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