Darrell Wesley said:
Is there anyway to hook the PrintDialog to the printer icon on the
I know that you can print a document using the PrintDialog but it does not
allow previewing and the PrintPreview dialog does not allow you to select
printer - is there a good and simple way to get around these problems.
My users would like to select a specific printer while looking at the
Preview window.
Public Class PrintDoc
Inherits PrintDocument
Public IsPreview As Boolean
Public Dlg As PrintPreviewDialog
Public PrvPrintFromMetafiles As Boolean
Private DirectPrint As Boolean
Private LastPage As Integer
Private WithEvents pdmf As PrintDocument
Private pageInfo As PreviewPageInfo()
Protected Overrides Sub OnBeginPrint(ByVal e As
'Si se pulsa el botón print desde PrintPreviewDialog, Selección
If IsPreview = False AndAlso DirectPrint = False Then
PrinterSettings.MinimumPage = 1
PrinterSettings.MaximumPage = LastPage
PrinterSettings.FromPage = Dlg.PrintPreviewControl.StartPage + 1
If (New PageSel(PrinterSettings)).ShowDialog(Dlg) =
DialogResult.Cancel Then e.Cancel = True : Exit Sub
If PrvPrintFromMetafiles AndAlso PrinterSettings.PrintRange =
PrintRange.SomePages Then
Dim fi As FieldInfo =
GetType(PrintPreviewControl).GetField("pageInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or
BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.Public)
pageInfo = CType(fi.GetValue(Dlg.PrintPreviewControl), Object)
pdmf = New PrintDocument
pdmf.PrinterSettings = PrinterSettings
Page = PrinterSettings.FromPage - 1
pdmf = Nothing
pageInfo = Nothing
e.Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Sustituye PageSel por PrintDialog...