How do you remove "Shortcut" from a file name


Chuck F.

Does anyone know how to remove the "shortcut" tag that's added when you
create a shortcut icon on the desktop. Used to do it with a program
called "TweakUI"....

Spanky McFly

Highlight the ICON, choose Rename and use the arrow keys to move to the word
"shortcut", then use the backspace key to delete the word.

Keith Miller MVP

Start -> Run - Regedit

Navigate to:


In the right-hand pane, edit the value named 'links', change its data to:

00 00 00 00

Log off & log on.

Good Luck,

Chuck F.

Looking to remove the icon "shortcut" name that Vista puts at the end of
the file name when you create a shortcut icon on the desktop. Tweak VI
will remove the arrow, but not the "shortcut" text it places at the end
of the file name. For example........"AnyFile - shortcut" will be the
final name the new shortcut icon will have.

Chuck F.

I understand that you can rename the file, but I am trying to eliminate
that step. Trying to eliminate the OS from adding that "shortcut"
designation by default when you create a new shortcut on the desktop.

John Barnes

What version are you running. I don't have the work shortcut attached to any
of the 30 plus desktop shortcuts.

Michael Cecil

Does anyone know how to remove the "shortcut" tag that's added when you
create a shortcut icon on the desktop. Used to do it with a program
called "TweakUI"....

Start Regedit with administrative rights.
With Regedit browse to:
Find and edit the "link" value from 1D 00 00 00 to 00 00 00 00.

Chuck F.

Thank you for your help in fixing that annoying suffix...

Michael said:
Start Regedit with administrative rights.
With Regedit browse to:
Find and edit the "link" value from 1D 00 00 00 to 00 00 00 00.


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