How do you make presentation timing consistant?



I have a PowerPoint presentation and have transported it to other machines
(both with PowerPoint and with Pack-n-Go). However the timing and animation
of the presentation is off and does not match the original presentation. I
have tried this on different machines, different versions and differnet
operating systems. I have even tried it on a similar machine with the same
verision of PowerPoint and the timing is always off.

How do I correct this problem?

Michael Koerner

You really can't. Timing is dependent on machine characteristics. and will
vary from machine to machine.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

|I have a PowerPoint presentation and have transported it to other machines
| (both with PowerPoint and with Pack-n-Go). However the timing and
| of the presentation is off and does not match the original presentation.
| have tried this on different machines, different versions and differnet
| operating systems. I have even tried it on a similar machine with the
| verision of PowerPoint and the timing is always off.
| How do I correct this problem?


Consistency in animation is not a strong element for PowerPoint. I've found
that you will have these inconsistencies when trying for consistent precision
with regards to animation and timing.


Always pre-run the presentation once before doing an actual presentaiton.
Once the presentation goes through a preload process, it doesn't have to
preload again. This will help improve the chances of matching against the
original/expected presentation. It will never be an exact match though.

Also, try turning off the background programmes such as anti virus software.

Check out this article on synchronization:
Site Updated: October 30, 2005
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Contains tutorials on creating amazing animations for your PowerPoint

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