How do you make gridview controls disappear?



I have a gridview control that is filled by the user adding rows to it
with a submit button. Once he is totally through, I want to give him
a 'success' message and then empty the grid. That should be easy,
because the grid is full of records that are from a database where the
select statement retrieves by using a compare parameter that is a
session variable. In other words, something like this
Select * from MyTable Where FormID = @FormID
FormID is a session variable.
So simply setting the session variable to something impossible, like
-999, should clear the grids. But it doesn't. I tried doing a
gridview.databind statement after the -999, but that did not help
Finally I tried making the gridviews invisible using their 'visible'
property - that also did not work!
Is there some bug here? Is the page not refreshing?
Can I force a page refresh?


It seems you have a hard coupled system here.. I don't think -999 will work

Anyway try to wrap the gridview with a div tag (run at server) and hide the
div, when post back, that should work for sure

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