How do you isolate a graph from it's data?



Hi everyone,

I have a very large file with lots of data and one sheet full of

I need to distribute the graphs but not the data and what I've been
doing is right-clicking the sheet with graphs and selecting

move or copy THEN
create new book THEN
new book

to create a book with the one sheet of graphs. I've then emailed this
sheet out.

My problem now is that when I try this technique, my graphs all get
distorted for some reason.

Can anyone advise me what the best way to do this is - ie. how do you
best quarantine graphs from their data simply and easily, without
distorting the graphs?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks all.



Following macro does the job ...

Sub DelinkChartFromData()
''' Thanks to Tushar Mehta
Dim mySeries As Series
Dim sChtName As String

''' Make sure a chart is selected
On Error Resume Next
sChtName = ActiveChart.Name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "This functionality is available only for charts " _
& "or chart objects"
Exit Sub
End If
If TypeName(Selection) = "ChartObject" Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0

''' Loop through all series in active chart
For Each mySeries In ActiveChart.SeriesCollection
'''' Convert X and Y Values to arrays of values
mySeries.XValues = mySeries.XValues
mySeries.Values = mySeries.Values
mySeries.Name = mySeries.Name
Next mySeries
End Sub


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