How do you Calculate Exact age in Years AND Months


Bayou BoB

In my Client Query, I'd like to calculate exact age of the
Years, and months. I'm wondering what expression I might use to do
this? It would be extremely beneficial to have the calculation to
display in a number of our forms, and I have a workable version to get
age in years, and am using this now:


I'm wondering how that should be modified to give me a result of say
34.6, meaning 34 years, 6 months old. Many thanks!


Jim Allensworth

In my Client Query, I'd like to calculate exact age of the
Years, and months. I'm wondering what expression I might use to do
this? It would be extremely beneficial to have the calculation to
display in a number of our forms, and I have a workable version to get
age in years, and am using this now:


I'm wondering how that should be modified to give me a result of say
34.6, meaning 34 years, 6 months old. Many thanks!

Kevin, take a look at this...

- Jim

Van T. Dinh

Beware that months are more or less duodecimal (based on 12) with respect to
years and you are trying to represent it with a decimal number. For
example, 34 years 11 months will be shown as 34.11 which is less than 34.2
(34 years 2 months).

It can be done as a Text display but it will be very confusing for your
users and I would certainly avoid this kind of representations.

Bayou BoB

In my Client Query, I'd like to calculate exact age of the
Years, and months. I'm wondering what expression I might use to do
this? It would be extremely beneficial to have the calculation to
display in a number of our forms, and I have a workable version to get
age in years, and am using this now:


I'm wondering how that should be modified to give me a result of say
34.6, meaning 34 years, 6 months old. Many thanks!


Thanks! I'll have a look at the links provided here!



Hi Kevin

I believe that the following function will give you the proper answer:

Best regards

Maurice St-Cyr

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function AgeInYears(BirthDate As Date, Optional AsOfDate As Date = 0) As Double
'Purpose: Get Age in years with a given birthdate
'Returns: Age in Years
'Arguments: BirthDate
' AsOfDate - if specified will calculate age on that date
' if not specified Today's date will be used
'Uses: IsLeapYear()
'Notes: None
'Revised: 2/21/2000
Dim intAgeYear As Integer
Dim intAgeDays As Integer
Dim dblAge As Double
Dim intDivisor As Integer
If AsOfDate = 0 Then AsOfDate =
intAgeYear = DateDiff("yyyy", BirthDate, AsOfDate)
intAgeDays = DateDiff("d", DateSerial(Year(AsOfDate), Month(BirthDate),
Day(BirthDate)), AsOfDate)
'set divisor for determing part of year
intDivisor = 365
If IsLeapYear(Year(AsOfDate)) = True Then intDivisor = 366
If intAgeDays <> 0 Then
AgeInYears = intAgeYear + (intAgeDays / intDivisor)
AgeInYears = intAgeYear
End If
End Function

Function IsLeapYear(YearNumber As Integer) As Boolean
IsLeapYear = (Day(DateSerial(YearNumber, 2, 28) + 1) = 29)
End Function

John Vinson

Hi Kevin

I believe that the following function will give you the proper answer:

ummmm... it would if the poster wanted the age in years; the specific
request was for age in years AND MONTHS.

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