How do I write a Strconv in Microsoft Access?



This subject was discused 3/18/2006 - What input mask will put capitals at
the beginning of any word. I'm importing data into microsoft, and all fields
are uppercase and I want to change the to proper case. One of my fields is
"status". I used the sample, strStreet1 = StrConver(strStreet1,
vbProperCase), nothing happen. What do I do once the conv is entered into
AfterUpdate Event?



Rick Brandt

Lenore said:
This subject was discused 3/18/2006 - What input mask will put
capitals at the beginning of any word. I'm importing data into
microsoft, and all fields are uppercase and I want to change the to
proper case. One of my fields is "status". I used the sample,
strStreet1 = StrConver(strStreet1, vbProperCase), nothing happen.
What do I do once the conv is entered into AfterUpdate Event?



If you are importing data an InputMask is irrelevant. They only work for data
manually entered into a form. You can run an update query...

UPDATE TableName
SET FieldName = StrConv(FieldName, 3)

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