How Do I View My Current Memory?


Sarah K

Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for somewhere in XP where I can view what my current memory
percent is? I've been having problems with it being low lately, according to
a source I'm not sure I can trust or not, and want to compare it to what my
computer says/xp says.

I know there was something, I think in the ctrl-alt-del window, in 98 that
showed the RAM percent currently not being used, but can't find it in XP.

Thanks tons!


Sarah K said:
I'm looking for somewhere in XP where I can view what my current memory
percent is? I've been having problems with it being low lately, according to
a source I'm not sure I can trust or not

What "source" is that?
and want to compare it to what my computer says/xp says.

And why do you think "what my computer says/xp says" is erroneous?

Sarah K

The source was a widget I downloaded from Yahoo. The sudden memory drop
shouldn't have occured so I'm wondering if it's giving me a glitched reading.

I'd tend to trust my computers built in reading more than something I
downloaded from Yahoo's widgets. ;)


Sarah K said:
The source was a widget I downloaded from Yahoo. The sudden memory drop
shouldn't have occured so I'm wondering if it's giving me a glitched reading.

Probably not...

Right-click on task bar

Select Task Manager


Don't know if that's what you want, but it might work for you.

Ken Blake, MVP

Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for somewhere in XP where I can view what my current memory
percent is? I've been having problems with it being low lately, according to
a source I'm not sure I can trust or not, and want to compare it to what my
computer says/xp says.

I know there was something, I think in the ctrl-alt-del window, in 98 that
showed the RAM percent currently not being used, but can't find it in XP.

Do you want to know how much of your RAM is in use vs. free?

Wanting to minimize the amount of memory Windows uses is a
counterproductive desire. Windows is designed to use all, or nearly
all, of your memory, all the time, and that's good not bad. Free
memory is wasted memory. You paid for it all and shouldn't want to see
any of it wasted.

Windows works hard to find a use for all the memory you have all the
time. For example if your apps don't need some of it, it will use that
part for caching, then give it back when your apps later need it. In
this way Windows keeps all your memory working for you all the time.

Lord Turkey Cough

Sarah K said:
Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for somewhere in XP where I can view what my current memory
percent is? I've been having problems with it being low lately, according
a source I'm not sure I can trust or not, and want to compare it to what
computer says/xp says.

I know there was something, I think in the ctrl-alt-del window, in 98 that
showed the RAM percent currently not being used, but can't find it in XP.

Thanks tons!

Your post is beyond the usual level of imcomprehension but if you
click on the taskbar at the botton and select 'task manager' the
select the performance tab it will show you your physical memory in total,
the and the amount available. The sysyem cache is what your programs
currently use/reside in.
It is a little complicated though, because what is your 'system cache'
is probably not actually being used, it is just in memory 'incase it is
quickly. If you started up another process it could esily be swapped out
onto you hard drive untill it was needed again. This would be be a problem
really unless it needed to be used too, in which case you would hear a lot
of disk activity.
If you hear a lot of disk activity and you computer is running slow
(prehaps you are using Vista for example - ignore that it is a joke)
then you might benefit from more memory chips.

Would help if you provided some figures.
1/2 a gig of memory should be OK but 1 gig would be a bit nicer.
I have 1.25 gig and usually have 0.6 gig available. But available
in this case really means 'totally wasted', I get no gain from it whatsoever
most of the time. But hey!! I am a rich guy I can afford to waste my money

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