How do I use the spell check on a protected sheet in Excel?


Paul B

Jimjam, one way,

Sub Spell_Check()

'spell check a protected sheet

Const Password = "123" '**Change password here**

ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=Password

Cells.CheckSpelling CustomDictionary:="CUSTOM.DIC",
IgnoreUppercase:=False _

, AlwaysSuggest:=True

ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=Password

End Sub
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003


Hi Paul, thank you sooo much.

I don't want to be a bug, but where do I begin with that Sub Spell_Check ()??

I'm still a bit confused.

Paul B

To put in this macro, from your workbook right-click the workbook's icon and
pick View Code. This icon is to the left of the "File" menu this will open
the VBA editor, in Project Explorer click on your workbook name, if you
don't see it press CTRL + r to open the Project Explorer, then go to insert,
module, and paste the code in the window that opens on the right hand side,
press Alt and Q to close this window and go back to your workbook and press
alt and F8, this will bring up a box to pick the Macro from, click on the
Macro name to run it. If you are using excel 2000 or newer you may have to
change the macro security settings to get the macro to run. To change the
security settings go to tools, macro, security, security level and set it to

And if you are new to macros you may also what to have a look here on
getting started with macros

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003


I so appreciate your help. Have a great day!

Paul B said:
To put in this macro, from your workbook right-click the workbook's icon and
pick View Code. This icon is to the left of the "File" menu this will open
the VBA editor, in Project Explorer click on your workbook name, if you
don't see it press CTRL + r to open the Project Explorer, then go to insert,
module, and paste the code in the window that opens on the right hand side,
press Alt and Q to close this window and go back to your workbook and press
alt and F8, this will bring up a box to pick the Macro from, click on the
Macro name to run it. If you are using excel 2000 or newer you may have to
change the macro security settings to get the macro to run. To change the
security settings go to tools, macro, security, security level and set it to

And if you are new to macros you may also what to have a look here on
getting started with macros

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003


Hi Paul,
Hope you're still around to help, I tried following your instructions and
when I got to the stage of pressing clicking run I got an error:

Compile Error:
Syntax error

and the line:
Cells.CheckSpelling CustomDictionary:="CUSTOM.DIC",
was highlighted.

What can I do now!?

Gord Dibben

That line is part of a longer line.

Change to this revision.............

Cells.CheckSpelling CustomDictionary:="CUSTOM.DIC", _
IgnoreUppercase:=False, AlwaysSuggest:=True

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Great that works.
My only question now is... do I have to press alt and F8 to run the spell
check, or is there a way of allowing F7 to be pressed as usual? - I just want
to make this as straight forward as possible for the users!


Thanks, that works great.

My only question now is....does the user have to click alt + F8 and choose
the macro, or can the normal F7 shortcut still be used somehow (it can't as
it stands)? (I just want to make it as easy as possible for the multiple

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