How do I use Excel or Access or a combination of both to track an.



I would like to come up with a posting journal using either Excel or Access
or a combination of both to track the dues of a non-profit organization. In
using this I want to keep track of outstanding balance. I want to be able to
use Word to prepare an invoice that I can either mail to the address or
e-mail. I would like for the balance adjusted as each payment is made. Once
all dues are paid then show it as paid in full.



Are you familiar with VBA - the office macro language? You can use this
to automate word, excel, outlook, access, etc to talk to one another.
Your question sounds more like a project outline, I would consider
hiring a consultant.

Earl Kiosterud


Consider using a canned bookkeeping application, like QuickBooks. There are
many. You may find the learning curve there less effort than building an

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