How do I use a Formfield value from a previous page, in a database query on another page?


Chris Plant

Hi, I've followed the instructions on the link below to allow password entry
and verification against a list of users in a database.

Everything works well. It prompts me to login, but what I want to do next,
is use the username entered on the previous screen, in a database results

something like ....

WHERE [managercode] = "username entered on previous screen"

but I just can't get the syntax correct, or even know if it's possible.

Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance, Chris.


Chris -
It'll depend on what you've done so far. What is the action that happens when you click
submit? Does it write to a database, or go to another page? If it goes to another (asp)
page then
SQuery = "WHERE [managercode] = " & <%=Request.Form("Whateveryourtextboxnameis")%>

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