how do I turn rows into columns



I'm copy and pasting a list into Excel. Excel automatically takes my list
and puts each item into the next row. What I want to do is have each row be
the heading of a column instead. So how to I get the table to reverse
itself, so items in rows go into columns, and the columns become rows instead?


Copy > PasteSpecial > Transpose > ok..................

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Madigan said:
I'm copy and pasting a list into Excel. Excel automatically takes my list
and puts each item into the next row. What I want to do is have each row be
the heading of a column instead. So how to I get the table to reverse
itself, so items in rows go into columns, and the columns become rows


Try this:

Copy the cells then select
Edit>Paste Special
then select the Transpose check box right above the OK button then hit OK.

Hope this helps.

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