How do I turn intellisense back on?

  • Thread starter Thirsty Traveler
  • Start date

Thirsty Traveler

I installed an eval copy of JetBrain's "ReSharper" that has since expired.
After uninstalling the eval version, my intellisense no longer seems to be
working. I am thinking it was replaced by ReSharper's version. If so, how do
I turn it back on?

Michael Nemtsev

Hello Thirsty,

See there Tools menu -> Options ->Text Editor -> C# -> Intellisense and
turn Auto list members box in Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> General

And read that thread

TT> I installed an eval copy of JetBrain's "ReSharper" that has since
TT> expired. After uninstalling the eval version, my intellisense no
TT> longer seems to be working. I am thinking it was replaced by
TT> ReSharper's version. If so, how do I turn it back on?
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsch


Yah, when it unistalls it clobbers the value in Options/ Text Editor/All
"AutoList all members".
Re-check it and whatever else you want.

Thirsty Traveler

That did the trick. Thanks.

Guess I better be careful when using third party IDE evals. :)

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