How do I sum numbers that match two conditions?



Hi All:
I have three columns, Material, Diameter, and Length. There are about 7000
rows of data. I need to sum particular lengths that match specific material
types and diameters.
A B C (Length
Summary Table)
Material Diameter Length Diameter PVC AC

PVC 100 1200 100 2500
PVC 100 1300 150 500
AC 100 1000
PVC 150 500

I need a formula that can be used in the summary table to sum all lengths
that match the Material and Diameter, eg. a total length of 2500 for 100
diameter PVC.


Bernard Liengme

Assuming your table is in A2:A7001
In D1 you have the 'type' to be found, in D2 the diameter to find
Remember to make reference to table columns absolute if you car going to
copy the formula.
The double unitary negation converts FALSE/TRUE to 0/1 so arithmetic can be

Have you thought about using a Pivot Table?
best wishes


Hi Bernard, Thanks for your help. I managed to figure out one that works
(below), but your formula looks simpler than the one that I came up with.
What's a pivot table?


(You have to press Ctrl-Shift-Enter to get the {} around the formula or it
doesn't work...)

My formula above is based on the following...

Data Table:
Column A is Type
Column B is Diameter
Column C is Length

Summary Table:
E1 is Type to match
D2 is Diameter to match

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