how do I stop auto send & receive when I log on from standby



I am using win xp pro. When I log on again from standby my e-mail sends &
receives without prompting, but only if my pc is in outlook when it goes into
standby. I have "disabled scheduled send & receive" (online & offline) in
send & receive settings/groups. This problem has only occured over the past
couple of weeks. I am also concerned that a send & receive is takeing place
when I log on again from standby but i can't see it if my PC went into
standby in a programme other than outlook. I only want to send & receieve
manually. Hope this is clear.

Mike Trout

Coming out of standby reconnects to the network, and there's a setting for
that in Outlook.

Tools ->Options, Mail Setup tab. Make sure "Send immediately when
connected" is unchecked. That should take care of it.



Mike Trout said:
Coming out of standby reconnects to the network, and there's a setting for
that in Outlook.

Tools ->Options, Mail Setup tab. Make sure "Send immediately when
connected" is unchecked. That should take care of it.


Thanks for that Mike. "Send immidiately when connected" was unchecked, but I admit I didn't think of that. Any other suggestions please. (21.00 GMT)

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