How do I stop a formula from rounding up to the next number



What I am trying to do is take a cell and find 6.2% of it by =(SUM(B19*C19))
then adding the cells to other cells accross without it rounding up to the
next higher number. This is for payroll deductions.


Change the cell format to NUMBER and however decimal places you want
Right click on the cell and FORMAT should be an option

JE McGimpsey

You just need to reformat the cell (Format/Cells/Number. Unless you have
the Tools/Options/Calculation "Precision as displayed" checkbox checked,
XL stores numbers to approximately 15 significant decimal digits. The
displayed value will round, but subsequent calculations will use the
stored value, not the displayed value.

Note that your SUM() function and parens are superfluous:

=B19 * C19

will return the same value.

OTOH, since your values are for payroll deductions, you may *want* to
round, say, to two digits after the decimal point:

= ROUND(B19 * C19, 2)

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