how do i sort excel worksheets by alphabetical order?


Don S

if I have 50 worksheets and I name them, how can i sort them in alphabetical
Go to It will do that exact thing and so much
more you'll need a towel to wipe the drool off your chin ... and it's

Don S

Bernie Deitrick


You need to use code.


Sorting Worksheets In Alphabetical Order
In some applications, it may be useful to have the worksheets in
alphabetical order. For example, if you have a worksheet for each employee
on a team and each employee has their own worksheet, you may want these
sheets in alphabetical order. You could do this manually, but if you have
more than a few sheets, it would be easier to automate the task. Excel
does not have a built in tool to do this, but you can use some fairly simple
VBA code accomplish this.
The following code will sort the sheets in the workbook, in alphabetical

Sub SortWorksheets()

Dim N As Integer
Dim M As Integer
Dim FirstWSToSort As Integer
Dim LastWSToSort As Integer
Dim SortDescending As Boolean

SortDescending = False

If ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Count = 1 Then
FirstWSToSort = 1
LastWSToSort = Worksheets.Count
With ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
For N = 2 To .Count
If .Item(N - 1).Index <> .Item(N).Index - 1 Then
MsgBox "You cannot sort non-adjacent sheets"
Exit Sub
End If
Next N
FirstWSToSort = .Item(1).Index
LastWSToSort = .Item(.Count).Index
End With
End If

For M = FirstWSToSort To LastWSToSort
For N = M To LastWSToSort
If SortDescending = True Then
If UCase(Worksheets(N).Name) > UCase(Worksheets(M).Name) Then
Worksheets(N).Move Before:=Worksheets(M)
End If
If UCase(Worksheets(N).Name) < UCase(Worksheets(M).Name) Then
Worksheets(N).Move Before:=Worksheets(M)
End If
End If
Next N
Next M

End Sub

MS Excel MVP

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