How do i setup a bibliographic database in access?



I am trying to set up a bibliographic database, using access 2003.
I wonder how i should keep the author list. Should it be with all authors in
one field per record or should i preserv a field per author and record?
The function to look up all records where one name appears in the author
list is essential.

Stefan Hoffmann

I am trying to set up a bibliographic database, using access 2003.
I wonder how i should keep the author list. Should it be with all authors in
one field per record or should i preserv a field per author and record?
The function to look up all records where one name appears in the author
list is essential.
You need three tables:

ID (PK),

Table BOOK:
ID (PK),

Author_ID (PK, FK to table AUTHOR),
Book_ID (PK, FK to table BOOK)

PK means the field is a primary key field. ID is usually an integer
identity auto value.

FK means the field is referenced to the ID field of the corresponding table.

--> stefan <--

John Vinson

On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 03:14:02 -0700, Fresh DB builder <Fresh DB
I am trying to set up a bibliographic database, using access 2003.
I wonder how i should keep the author list. Should it be with all authors in
one field per record or should i preserv a field per author and record?
The function to look up all records where one name appears in the author
list is essential.

I'd REALLY suggest purchasing a bibliographic database program such as
Pandora or EndNote. This can be done in Access, with a *large* amount
of work; but good people have spent many person-years optimizing
EndNote to do all sorts of bibliographic tasks which would be very
difficult to duplicate in Access.

Don't reinvent the wheel...

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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