How do I set XP to use the 3-D gray menus?


Colin Higbie

I just saw another system running XP with the Windows 2000-style 3-D menus,
but still with the Windows XP window title bars (rounded corners, red X) and
Start bar (green start button, blue bar).

This person is not a techie and had no clue that this was anything unusual.
Somehow their computer just worked that way.

How can I do this? If I select "Windows XP Classic Style" on the Appearance
tab of Display Properties, I do get the 3-D menu bars, but I lose all the
other XP features. I want to keep everything but the menus, which is what my
friend had.


Thanks much for any help,

Keith Miller

Is this what you want? Copy everything below the line & save as a .vbs file. 3D menus don't look right in all apps, but can get turned on by saving and reapplying a theme.


Colin Higbie said:
I just saw another system running XP with the Windows 2000-style 3-D menus,
but still with the Windows XP window title bars (rounded corners, red X) and
Start bar (green start button, blue bar).

This person is not a techie and had no clue that this was anything unusual.
Somehow their computer just worked that way.

How can I do this? If I select "Windows XP Classic Style" on the Appearance
tab of Display Properties, I do get the 3-D menu bars, but I lose all the
other XP features. I want to keep everything but the menus, which is what my
friend had.


Thanks much for any help,
'Toggle the Flat Menus bit

On Error Resume Next

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Upm = "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask"

dim MenuState

MenuState = Array ("Off", "On")

MaskBytes = WSHShell.RegRead (Upm)

FlatMenuOn = (MaskBytes(2) and &H02) \ 2

Message2 = "Flat Menus are currently turned " & MenuState(FlatMenuOn) & "." & vbCR &vbCR
Message2 = Message2 & "Running this script will turn them " & MenuState(Abs((FlatMenuOn - 1))) & "." & vbCR & vbCR
Message2 = Message2 & "('On' is the 'correct' setting for XP style display)" & vbCR & vbCR
Message2 = Message2 & "Continue?"

X = MsgBox(Message2, vbYesNo, "Toggle Flat-Menu Setting")

If X = 6 Then

MaskBytes(2) = CByte(MaskBytes(2) Xor &H02)

MaskStr = ""
for each MaskByte in MaskBytes
strByte = right( "00" & hex(MaskByte), 2 )
MaskStr = strByte & MaskStr

WSHShell.RegWrite Upm, CLng("&H" & MaskStr), "REG_BINARY"

MsgBox "You must logoff/logon for changes to take effect." & vbcr & vbcr, 4096, "Action Completed"


MsgBox "No changes were made to your system." & vbcr & vbcr, 4096, "Action Cancelled"

End If

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