How do I set up calculating fields on forms, on reports.



I need to have fields that calculate totals on my form. e.g Field [Qty]
Field [price] Field to show total.

In Paradox I think I created afield with sum[Qty]:[Price] but that was
years ago.

Also need to total columns in reports

Allen Browne

In the Detail section of your form, you could add a text box and set its
Control Source property to:
=[Qty] * [Price]

If you wanted to total, you could put a text box in the Form Footer section,
and set Control Source to:
=Sum([Qty] * [Price])

It might be better to create a query and put the calculated field there. For
an example of how to do that, open the Northwind sample database, and see
how the Order Details subform gets the data from the Order Details Extended

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