How do I set up a check mark column?



A little redundant but maybe someone can help me a little further. I am
trying to write an excel spread sheet to order products for jobs that I
send my employees out on. For example, I own an air conditioning
company and we use thousands of products for lots of different jobs. I
want to put something together so that I can just go onto my computer
and put a check mark next to the product that I'd like to order. The
tricky part is that I only want the items with a checkmark to print
out. So I basically want the spread sheet to thin down to a few pages
max versus listing all of the stuff that I am not ordering for the
particular job. For example...below I will use a capital letter to
show each column. And I will use an X in place of a check mark.
Column A will represent the check mark which I do not know how to set
up in excel either. Column B will be the item description, and column
C-the quantity.


X 3" Elbow 6
4" Elbow
X 5" Elbow 4
X 6" Elbow 2
7" Elbow
8" Elbow
X 9" Elbow 5

Now, how do I set up column A to just use the mouse to be able to put a
check mark, and then only print the 3", 5", 6", and 9" and not print the
rest that do not have a check mark next to it. Do I need to save it as
a web page or something. I've noticed how on web pages you can go in
and click a check mark into certain boxes. Is that even possible to
set something like this up in excel. Any detailed information would be
very helpful!




You can use the Data/Autofilter on your X column to effectively hide the
non-X parts...


Paul B

Sam, as Beege said, you can just use and x and filter on it to do what you
want, but if you do want a check mark you could use a macro like this, it
will put a check mark in A2:A1000 when you click in a cell in column A, it
really puts and a in formated with the font marlett so it will look like a
check mark, you could then filter on column A for a and only show the data
that you want

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A1000")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Font.Name = "Marlett"
If Target = vbNullString Then
Target = "a"
Target = vbNullString
End If
End If
End Sub

To put in this macro right click on the worksheet tab and view code, in the
window that opens paste this code, press Alt and Q to close this window and
go back to your workbook. If you are using excel 2000 or newer you may have
to change the macro security settings to get the macro to run. To change the
security settings go to tools, macro, security, security level and set it to

To change the security settings go to tools, macro, security, security level
and set it to medium

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003

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