How do I set length (not height) of a control to grow in Access?



I know I can set the height of a control to grow, but what about the length?
An example of what I want to do: I am creating an address form from a
database where the street number, street, city, zip code, etc. are in
different fields but I want them to appear consequetively on the form. I
want them to run cleanly together and figure an expanding or shrinking
control length would allow me to place my controls and then have them adjust
on the form as needed for each record.

Is this even possible?



It is no doubt possible by setting the Left & Width properties of each
control based on its length, although is made much more complex by the myriad
of proportional fonts available for display.

It may be much easier is to display the address as a calculated field in a
textbox on your form:

=[Street1] & " " & [Street2] & " " & [City] & ", " & [State] & " " & [Zip]

Hope that helps.

Rick B

Then put them into an unbound text box like this....

= ([StreetNumber] + " ") & [Street] & " " & [City] & ", " & [State] & " " &

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