How do I resize a worksheet that's stuck on 65,000 rows?



No matter how much I use the delete function, my worksheet is convinced it
has 65,000 rows. This takes up memory and is a pain to navigate. How do I
get rid of everything below the first couple of hundred rows?


Excel is built up like that, it always has 65536 rows (except excel
2007 which has a lot more!)
If you don't want to see the rows below, hide them. Select them, right
click --> hide.



Gord Dibben

Select row 201 then SHIFT + End + DownArrow.

Edit>Delete>Entire Rows.

Same for columns to the right of used data range.

NOW....Important point.

SAVE the workbook.

In older versions you had to save, close and re-open to see the new range.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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