How do I replace/delete my main calendar with a restored calendar?



The last time I ActiveSync'd my cell phone (AudioVox SMT5600) with my Outlook
2003, it created duplicate entries in my Calendar. I immediately canceled the
sync. I attempted this again, but got yet another duplicate entry. I was able
to restore a backed up Calendar from a few days prior (wthout the duplicate
entries), but this restored calendar shows up as a secondary calendar. I need
to replace the main one with this restored one but the delete option is
grayed out. I tried moving and copying the restored calendar to the main
calendar, but this only moves/copies the calendar under the main one. Is
there a way to delete my main calendar so that I can replace it with the
restored one? Thanks in advance.

Judy Gleeson MVP Outlook

You need to select all of the CONTENTS of the calendar and drag them into
the Default Calendar - taking the folder will as you found out, make a

Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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