how do i remove program icons?



i apparently downloaded a bunch of stuff i DO NOT want! i "removed" it via
"removed programs, but the icons remain on my desktop. how do ensure that
the programs ARE ACTUALLY removed? ....and remove the icons.

Rich Barry

Look in C:\Program Files for the Program Folders that you Uninstalled.
If they are there when you open them there should be very little there. No
programname.exe file. Whatever is there delete. Also delete the Icons.
Just rt click and
choose Delete. If you want to check further go to Start>Run type:
msconfig select Startup and see if there's any entry
of the programs there. If yes, uncheck.
Also, go back to Start>Run type: regedit click Ok Navigate to
HKey_Current_User\Software Delete any uninstalled
program folder there. Same with HKey_Local_Machine\Software.


cidquestion said:
i apparently downloaded a bunch of stuff i DO NOT want! i "removed" it via
"removed programs, but the icons remain on my desktop. how do ensure that
the programs ARE ACTUALLY removed? ....and remove the icons.

Just delete them and check the location of the original install folders
for other remnants.

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