How do I remove multiple partial installations of windows



I was just going through, cleaning up old files on one of my old
computers and noticed that listed in the Explore tree were Windows,
Windows.0, Windows.2 and then a folder WUTEMP with a windows.1 folder
there. I had never really noticed these before. All were installed over
the 23rd and 24th May 2003.

Windows.2 is the largest file, nearly 3 gigs. The others are all only
about 4mb. When I bought that computer back in 2003, the operating
system was installed for me prior to picking it up from the store. I
think they must have been having problems and just kept reinstalling.

I presume I am using windows.2 How do I find out for sure. If so, is
it safe to just delete the other windows folders or is there a
procedure to follow.

Any help would be appreciated.


Oh, I forgot to mention. These multiple window folders were all just in
the c drive.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You are using Windows.2, the store didn't install it correctly but this
likely will not be an issue at this point. The WUTemp folder is used by
Windows Updates, and is quite normal. The contents and even the folder
itself can be deleted, as it will be recreated when next needed. You can
also likely delete the other Windows folders.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Hi Rick,

Thanks very much for your reply. I deleted those folders, rebooted and
everything is just fine. It doesn't look like a dogs breakfast anymore.

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