how do I rank negative and positive numbers?



I rank numbers. Some of them are negative and some of them positive. The
ranking works fine for positive numbers. However, it gives me ranks of 20,22
and so on for negative numbers. I hope I can get either a modification of a
ranking formula or another formula.
Please help,

Harlan Grove

Anna wrote...
I rank numbers. Some of them are negative and some of them positive. The
ranking works fine for positive numbers. However, it gives me ranks of 20,22
and so on for negative numbers. I hope I can get either a modification of a
ranking formula or another formula.

Unclear what your problem is. Excel has no trouble ranking sets of
numbers with mixed signs on my PC. The following shows A1:C15 with
A1:A15 containing random numbers with mixed signs, B1:B15 shows the
result of


and C1:C15 shows the result of


4 10 6
1 11 5
-5 14 1
12 3 13
8 5 11
5 9 7
6 8 8
7 6 9
13 1 14
-5 14 1
7 6 9
-2 12 4
13 1 14
-4 13 3
10 4 12

What does your data look like and what results do you believe are wrong?

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