how do I put slides side by side on one screen?



I have two slides that I want to put side by side for comparison purposes on
a screen. How do I go about doing that? It is okay if they are smaller in
the side-by-side comparison than in the originals. Thanks for your help


Open up the two presentations, then click Window > Arrange All.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: July 23, 2006
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I have two slides that I want to put side by side for comparison purposes on
a screen. How do I go about doing that? It is okay if they are smaller in
the side-by-side comparison than in the originals. Thanks for your help

If the arrange all solution doesn't work (and it may not because you might want
to do this in slide show view), try this instead:

Create a new slide

Switch to slide sorter view, find the slide you want on the left.
Click it, press Ctrl+C to copy it
Switch to normal view, go to the new slide you created and choose Edit, Paste
Special, As ... (experiment with the different options; PNG's good, EMF or WMF
may work well for you too).

Repeat with the other slide.

This gives a picture of each of your slides, both on one slide so you can
arrange them however you like.

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