How do I pull 3 sets of records together on a single form?


Bayou BoB


We have 3 sets of log books....a client log book, a staff log book,
and a medical appointments log book. Each day staff have to come in
and read these from 3 different sources, from a list that includes
every entry every made. I'd like to simplify this a little bit, and
provide a form that allows users to see all the entries from the
previous day. We operate a large group home 24hours a day. When
someone comes in at 8am, it would be nice if they could just press a
button and see all of yesterday's log entries in a single form, from
all 3 sources....sort of like a "snapshot of yesterday" if you will...
How would I go about getting just yesterday's log entries to appear on
a single form? Would I have to use something like =Date() -1 in the
query under the criteria category? Many thanks!!


John Vinson


We have 3 sets of log books....a client log book, a staff log book,
and a medical appointments log book. Each day staff have to come in
and read these from 3 different sources, from a list that includes
every entry every made. I'd like to simplify this a little bit, and
provide a form that allows users to see all the entries from the
previous day. We operate a large group home 24hours a day. When
someone comes in at 8am, it would be nice if they could just press a
button and see all of yesterday's log entries in a single form, from
all 3 sources....sort of like a "snapshot of yesterday" if you will...
How would I go about getting just yesterday's log entries to appear on
a single form? Would I have to use something like =Date() -1 in the
query under the criteria category? Many thanks!!


This is a *perfect* application for a relational database like Access.
In a relational database, you have tables which contain information
about "Entities" - real-life people, things, or events; in this case
you have two types of people (Clients and Staff), and one type of
Event (an appointment). I presume that in an appointment a client is
scheduled to meet with a staff member.

It would be very straightforward to set up a Form to display (say) all
of a staff member's appointments for a day; or all the appointments
for all staff for a day, with the names of the staff member and the
client, along with the time and place of the appointment; or any of a
wide variety of other display options.

To see all of yesterday's appointments, say, you would create a Query
with a criterion on the AppointmentDateTime field of

BETWEEN Date() - 1 AND Date()

This would get all appointments from midnight yesterday to midnight at
the beginning of today. The Query could pull information from all
three tables.

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