How do I populate listbox1 using the commandbutton8 (Caption Find)


Joseph Pagan

I want to link the find button to the listbox1.Example: The user enter the
name of the ADM_PERSONNEL in the textbox named ADM_PERSONNEL in the userform
and click the find button automatically the listbox is populated with the
data in that row for the field
and look the diferents rows(Proyect) that have the administer personnel.
I hope this helps.
This is the url to download my project


Do you mean that whatever is in the textbox ADM_PERSONEL that value should
be displayed in the list?

Patrick Molloy

replace the textbox, ADM_PERSONNEL, and replace it with a combobox which has
A7:A100 set as the RowSource and the same name, ADM_PERSONNEL

also, set the listbox column count to the correct number of columns.

Joseph Pagan

replace the textbox, ADM_PERSONNEL, and replace it with a combobox "Sorry but
set as the RowSource and the same name."Where is the RowSource?"
also, set the listbox column count to the correct number of columns. "How i
set this. Please could be more explanatory, I'm beginning to excel vba."

Patrick Molloy

your find routine uses the control by using the same name, you
don't need to amend that bit of code

Open the Properties view then select the combobox. Scroll down the list of
properties until you see RowSource
this range is used to populate the control with data
there's also a property called ColumnCount
the default value for this is 1, so you basically enter a single column of
data. However, yuo can add more columns , but you need to set this property
- I'd assumed that you had this already, as your code is good for adding
items to a listbox and adding extra columns of data.

Joseph Pagan

I USE THE comboboX but if not what i looking but Now the form is more decent
with some updates. But you know why the listbox is not populated with data?
The listbox is important because the user does not need the next button to
Only left that the listbox is populated instead of the userform, so I can
chose in the listbox the row that I want manipulate in the userform. This is
the new form . Download and see the new updates and what i need to complete
the application.

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