How Do I (Part II)


Alan Bernardo

Part I worked pretty well and the help is appreciated.

I got the ideas but am at a loss on how to implement them within Excel.

Here's my next problem (and hopefully my last)

I have two columns of text or information. If the two columns match a
certain criteria, I would like it to count them as "1" in another cell.

As such,

D1 S
D1 O2
5I S

If the two columns in the same row match "D1" and "S", then I would like the
count to be increased by "1".

The result of the above, simply, would be, "1".

Thanks again in advance. :)


Alan Bernardo

| =sumproduct(--(A1:A10="D1"),--(B1:B10="O2"))
| --
Thanks once again. And if I had two things I wanted to exclude (besides
only "O2"), how would that go?

Such as,

D1 S
D1 O2
5I O1

Again, I usually try before I ask. I got nothing.



Bob Phillips

Do you mean




Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Alan Bernardo

| Do you mean
| =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10="D1")*(B1:B10={"O1","O2"}))
| --
I got it figured.



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