In VB4, VB6 I have code that works very well coded as;
Drive = App.Path & "\User_Files\profile.bda"
Open Drive For Input As #1
Input #1, dat4, Abackup, TimeHide, WhatRunmin, autorun, cleanwhen
Close #1
Can someone please assist me in doing this using VB.NET
I need to open a file with multiple fields separated by commas and I’ve spent many hours trying to figure this out using VB.NET and so far have not.Thank you in advance for your help.
Drive = App.Path & "\User_Files\profile.bda"
Open Drive For Input As #1
Input #1, dat4, Abackup, TimeHide, WhatRunmin, autorun, cleanwhen
Close #1
Can someone please assist me in doing this using VB.NET
I need to open a file with multiple fields separated by commas and I’ve spent many hours trying to figure this out using VB.NET and so far have not.Thank you in advance for your help.