How do I merge or combine 2 excel worksheets by a common collumn?



In excel I have May's data of names and descriptions. I just received June's
data of names and descriptions. Some of the same names appear in both months
excel spreadsheets. How can I combine or merge May's and June's excel
spreadsheets into a yearly spreadsheet so that all names are listed but only
once? The description cell is a non numeric cell that may change month to
month. The latest months description should be in the yearly spreadsheet.
Thanks in advance for your help.



Have a look at this file. I used a vlookup formula and some
conditional formatting to check the June data for new items. If the
item was found to be new the conditioinal formatting was applied to
highlight the new items. Also, you could sort the June data by the
column with the vlookup statement in it to copy and paste the new items
into your yearly summary.


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